If you have decided to become a truck driver, you can’t begin your new career until you get the proper training. However, with so many truck driving schools operating all around the country, it can be difficult to choose the institution that is best for you. Below are some tips to help you choose the right truck driving school so you can be sure you have all the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on the open road.
Tips for choosing a truck driving school.
1. Know the different types of driving schools.
Two primary types of truck driving schools exist: private schools and paid training programs. Paid training programs are usually operated by employers looking to hire graduates of the program. These programs pay you during your training and then hire you as an employee after the training program is complete. Private schools, on the other hand, usually require you to pay tuition and do not hire you after the program is complete. Instead, you will need to find your own job.
2. Do your research.
One of the most important steps you can take to ensure you are enrolled in the right program is to do adequate research before making a selection. As you research different truck driving schools, be sure to compare them on the basis of:
- Reputation among past students
- Tuition costs
- Length of training
- Reviews
3. Don’t forget about job placement.
After you finish your training program and you are ready to begin working as a truck driver, you will need to find a job. If you are opting for a private training program that doesn’t hire program graduates, job placement services are an important consideration. Be sure to inquire about the job placement services each prospective truck driving program offers, as well as the most recent job placement records. If possible, choose a truck driving school that has a history of helping the majority of program graduates to find appropriate positions quickly after graduation.
4. Ask about instructor experience.
Attending truck driving school isn’t just a formality for prospective truck drivers. During this time, you need to be learning important skills in a way that will translate easily to the real world. In order to get the best learning experience possible, you need to be under the instruction of trained, experienced professionals. Before choosing a truck driving school, ask about the background of the instructors that run the program.
5. Consider CDL requirements.
In order to qualify for your CDL, you will need to complete classroom hours, as well as over-the-road driving experience. If possible, choose a school that operates a comprehensive program designed to prepare you to meet all the requirements for your CDL.
Choosing the right truck driving school can be a challenge, but the tips above will help to simplify the process. Before you begin working as a truck driver, remember to consider your insurance requirements and needs so you can protect yourself as a professional – and don’t forget the importance of safety.
Get started with truck insurance quotes.
It’s also important to have the right insurance to protect yourself as a trucker. Get started with big rig insurance quotes by filling out our online form, giving us a call, or messaging us on LiveChat.