A 1x1 Truck Insurance Quotes logo image that's used on the brand's facebook page.
Drowsy driving and fatigue can lead to slowed reaction times and car accidents.

7 tips to prevent driver fatigue and drowsy-driving accidents

When you think about dangers that can cause truck accidents, you may not immediately think of sleepiness. But the truth is that driver fatigue is a very real risk-factor for accidents. Fatigue is extreme exhaustion due to mental or physical work. Not getting enough sleep, working long hours, and stress (physical or mental) can cause fatigue.

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Save money on car insurance for pickup trucks with these tips.

How to save money on car insurance for your pickup truck

Though car insurance is a part of owning a vehicle and can’t be avoided, you may not love how expensive it is. You may be wondering if there are ways to save money on your auto insurance so that you’re not emptying the piggy bank every time you have to make an insurance payment for your pickup truck. Well, we’ve got some of those tips for you, and we’ll explain why they work.

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