When something is this critical to the safety of your truck drivers and the health of your trucking business, it’s important not to leave definitions to chance. Distracted driving is more than texting.
5 ways to lower the cost of my long-haul truck insurance
It’s not easy to juggle the income with the outgo when managing a long-haul trucking business. Save where you can to maximize profits. Even 10% can make a world of difference.
That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re not paying too much for long-haul truck insurance. Here are 5 smart strategies to lower your rates.
4 ways to identify that your driver is distracted
People get distracted. Sometimes it’s a clever billboard or a person in a costume walking down the street. Sometimes it’s a non-urgent need to use dispatch equipment. They may be reaching for a map or using a cell phone – either talking or texting and driving.
It’s all distracted driving. And it leads to over 25% of truck accidents.
What Is Distracted Driving Costing Your Business?
In British Columbia recently, a horse and buggy driver received a simple citation for texting while conducting a tour down city streets. Distracted driving really can happen anywhere.
But while all distracted driving is dangerous, some distracted driving is more dangerous and therefore more costly to those involved.
5 Soft Skills to Look for When Hiring a Fleet Manager
When you’re interviewing for a fleet manager position, you know immediately how well they understand the industry. It’s in the words they use. You hear it in the confidence they show when answering questions. You can see from their resume whether they’ve been in fleet management positions before.
How natural disasters like Hurricane Florence can impact trucking
As Hurricane Florence took aim at the East Coast, residents, businesses, and governments struggled to prepare for the aftermath. As citizens stripped store shelves of water, bread, and other non-perishables, governments changed the direction of major roadways, and roads became impassable, the entire trucking industry was affected.
How to Protect Your Moving Company When Switching Insurance
As a smart business leader, you’ve taken the steps to get insurance for your moving company. You know that you have enough coverage. But lately, you’ve been looking into other insurance carriers.
You’ve explored getting better insurance for moving company trucks. Still, you’re hesitant.
In-House Truck Maintenance: Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Trucks?
12 years. That’s how long the average truck has been on the road today. Many are closer to 20. Each year a fleet will only replace 1 truck for every 70 trucks in service.
5 Tips to Optimize Your Fleet Performance
Are you getting the most out of your fleet? Are the profits what they should be? These five tips will help you evaluate your fleet performance. Apply these tips now to optimize it.