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The Impact of the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill on the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry has had issues with retaining their drivers and growing their fleets for years. This issue is somewhat related to the new rules and regulations in the trucking industry. The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, in this regard, is no exception. The bill is expected to have a significant impact on truckers and fleets.

Apparently, the bill aims to improve the water systems, railways, and highways throughout the country. As a result, the government plans to set aside more than $110 billion for infrastructure work. The remaining funds will be used to improve ports, public transit, and railroads.

The bill includes regulations that will have a large impact on fleets. Whether you’re a trucker or own a fleet, learning how the infrastructure bill will impact your business is crucial.

What Does the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Include?

Here are some of the major components of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

NO Funding for Truck Parking

The bill doesn’t include funds for truck parking despite the push from OOIDA groups. The push is to get more safe and accessible parking for truck drivers. Drivers are required to stop and rest after they’ve been driving for 8 hours. Therefore, having access to a safe parking area is crucial in order for them to complete a delivery.

NO Raise to the Minimum Insurance Requirements for Motor Carriers 

There was nothing said in the bill about raising the minimum insurance requirement for truckers. This measure would’ve been very controversial in the trucking industry.

VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) Pilot Program

The bill is pushing a VMT pilot program that will assess the affect of a VMT tax on passenger and commercial vehicles.

Requirement of an Automatic Emergency Braking

The bill requires new commercial vehicles to have automatic emergency braking within two to three years.

Apprenticeship Pilot Program for Young Truckers

The pilot program will study the deployment of truck drivers who are under the age of 21. Getting new, young drivers on the road is essential to improving the driver shortage.

Task Force for Truck Leasing

A task force will be developed to assess leasing agreements and to tackle any risky lease-purchase programs.

Women in Trucking

A Trucking Advisory Board will be established for females to encourage women to join the trucking industry.



